Ospreys on Nest and wildlife along FH3

Had a good drive along FH3 (Lake Mary Road) today.  We saw two eagles at Lower Lake Mary both probably golden eagles and six great blue herons and two turkey vultures.  So it seems our summer birds are returning.  We saw lots of ducks too but mostly in the glare so we identified very few. 

On Upper Lake Mary there was an osprey very low in the nest across from the osprey overlook with a head just barely visible through a spotting scope. 

The north overlook at Mormon Lake was very productive.  We saw one mature bald eagle and one mature golden eagle, lots of ducks and geese.  The eagles were in the flat between Mormon Lake and Little Mormon Lake.  A herd of about 18 elk were bedded or grazing on the bench above and between Mormon and Little Mormon and herd of six pronghorn were under the power line on the flat between the two lakes.  At the south end of Mormon Lake we saw two more turkey vultures and more ducks and geese. Besides all that, it was a beautiful spring afternoon after the previous evening's quick moving snow storm..